Food / March 14, 2022

Here’s how to get a slice of pizza for €3.14 today

Food / March 14, 2022

Here’s how to get a slice of pizza for €3.14 today

You can get a slice of pizza for three euros and fourteen cents in Dublin today in celebration of Pi Day.

Between 12:00 and 3:14, you will be able to get a slice of pizza from Dublin Social, Pi and more.

In the American date structure, it is 3.14 which means it’s π day. Pi is a Greek letter and the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Which, as school thought us, is approximately 3.1416. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for maths enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk about math, and eat pizza.

Pizza is also called pie in America; it was first called pie when Italian immigrants arrived in the United States in the late 1800s. Pizza had similarities to a pie – with a crust, sliced triangle portions and a circular shape. Italian-Americans sold and popularized pizza. The dish picked up the nickname “tomato pie”. Sometime after the Americans met in the middle to give us the term “pizza pie”.

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