With January’s hibernation period in the rearview, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. February 17 marks Random Act of Kindness Day and it’s the perfect opportunity to slow down and send a moment of goodwill.
It’s not hard to understand why sending a DM or Whatsapp is the go to when reaching out to friends. We’re on our phones all the time anyway and in an era where mental bandwidth is at an all time low, it’s convenient. However, this also means that even if they are well intentioned, these messages just do feel more disposable. That’s why gestures like sending a letter or posting a gift – ones that take that little bit of extra time, bring so much joy.
With Random Act of Kindness Day landing on February 17, it’s the perfect opportunity to interrupt our increasingly hectic schedules and take a moment to perform a simple act of kindness. It’s hard to beat the experience of an unexpected gesture from a loved one. Whether that’s receiving a heartfelt letter or a gift in the post. An Post’s Heart Shaped Love Stamps are the perfect catalyst to send a moment of goodwill to those closest to you. They’re available in over 900 Post Offices nationwide and online and until February 18, they’ve reduced a book of 10 Love Stamps by €2 to €12. What’s more is, if you haven’t the time or can’t make it to the Post Office but still want to make a meaningful gesture, you can now download their digital stamps from their website.
Make someone’s week and inspire a domino effect of goodwill.
If you’re looking to Send Thoughts, Send Happiness or Send Love to someone special, An Post’s Book of 10 Heart Shaped Love Stamps are available in over 900 Post Offices nationwide and at anpost.com/love.