We were first introduced to delush when we premiered his video for “conscious pop” ballad, ‘Don’t Let Me Win’, featuring an interview with the artist. He’s now collaborated with Strange Boy, fka Jonen Dekay, and according to the pair they first bonded over a mutual fascination for mythology.
The track delves into the idea of taking control of your own life and overcoming the fear of failure.
“It’s about dropping standards that drain the enjoyment out of something that’s supposed to fulfil you,” says Strange Boy. “If you’re willing to just create without listening to that voice in your head always telling you that you can do better, things become more playful and fun which is the point of doing something you love. Be content with what you build so long as you did everything in your power to build it. And don’t take yourself too seriously, because you can talk all that slick shit, until you take off your paddy cap only for a scumbag pigeon to take a massive shit on your head!”
Delush plays Bello Bar with October Fires and Strange Boy on June 7.