Words: Dylan Murphy
Trip to Reykjavík this November anyone?
While summer festivals are off the table, for the most part, this year, it was only a matter of time before some alternative showcases were announced for the end of 2021. This November, Irish acts Denise Chaila, Smoothboi Ezra and Thumper are heading to Reykjavík for Iceland Airwaves.
Alongside the likes of Arlo Parks, Sad Night Dynamite and Wu-Lu they’ve been announced as part of the latest additions to the music showcase.
Running from November 3-6 this year, it could provide an alternative holiday destination as restrictions ease.
Full Line-up:
ADHD, Andavald, Andy Svarthol, Any Other (IT), Aragrúi, Arlo Parks (UK), Aron Can, Ásta, Axel Flóvent, Balming Tiger (KR), Bartees Strange (US), Benni Hemm Hemm, Black Pumas (US), BSÍ, Bríet, Cell7, CHLOBOCOP (UK), Countess Malaise, Crack Cloud (CA), Daði Freyr, Daughters of Reykjavík, DeniseChaila (IE), dj. flugvél og geimskip, Dry Cleaning (UK), Eydís Evensen, Faux Real (FR), Francis of Delirium (LU), GDRN, GRÓA, gugusar, Halldór Eldjárn, Hipsumhaps, Holdgervlar, InspectorSpacetime, ISÁK (NO), Júníus Meyvant, KælanMikla, KAMARA (NO), Karina (FI), kef LAVÍK, KeiyaA (US), Kiriyama Family, KLEIN (LU), K.óla, KristinSesselja, Krummi, Laufey, Logi Pedro, Lynks (UK), MAMMÚT, MagnúsJóhann, Máni Orrason, Marie Davidson & L’Œil Nu (CA), Metronomy (UK), MSEA, Mugison, Myrkvi, Omotrack, Ouse, Oyama, Pale Moon, Porridge Radio (UK), PowerPaladin, Sad Night Dynamite (UK), Salóme Katrín, Sara Parkman (SE), S.hel, sideproject, Sigrún Stella, Sin Fang, Sinmara, Skoffín, SmoothboiEzra (IE), Snny, Squid (UK), Superserious, supersport!, Svala, Tami T (SE), THUMPER (IE),TootArd (Golan Heights) Tuys (LU), Tyson (UK), Ultraflex, The Vintage Caravan, Vök, Wu-Lu (UK)
Click here to buy tickets.
Elsewhere on District: Rejjie Snow announces his second album Baw Baw Black Sheep.