Text: Izzy Copestake
Despite this being a “matter of urgency”
In January, the Citizens’ Assembly on Drug Use recommended that a new national drugs strategy be implemented “as a matter of urgency.” The recommended timeline for this strategy stated that a draft version should be published by June and then put out for public consultation.
The draft version, set to be published this month, needed to include the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly, action plans, measurable targets, and outline the responsible agencies and departments. The current drugs strategy, titled ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery,’ covers the period 2017-2025. Yet the first draft isn’t set to be published any time soon.
The newly established special Oireachtas committee on drug use has inquired with the Department of Health to assess the progress of the strategy. A committee, which is set to examine the 36 recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly, is expected to begin public hearings next week and has been given a period of seven months to complete its work. After completion, the government will offer a formal response. Finalisation of the new strategy is expected in the first half of 2025, according to the Department of Health.
Earlier this year, it was reported that at least one person dies from a drug overdose every single day in Ireland. With drug deaths on the rise and reports of new synthetic substances in circulation, it’s time for a new strategy—one that’s implemented with the urgency required.
Elsewhere on District: Take Our Harm Reduction Survey