General News / April 30, 2020

A New Normal: An open call for quarantine photography

General News / April 30, 2020

A New Normal: An open call for quarantine photography

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with our good friends at Junior Magazine and PhotoIreland to bring you an exciting call for images.

A New Normal calls for photographers to respond to our current climate by using their medium to find joy, hope and beauty in times of stress, anxiety, and boredom. We want to see your best images made within a 2km radius of your house. Beyond that, the criteria are open to your interpretation. 

Our favourite images will be paired with a commissioned piece of poetry and published in an online gallery on the District website as well as being featured in a printed zine as part of PhotoIreland’s TLP Editions.

Submissions are open now and will remain open for two weeks. If you have any questions please email us at

Submission Guidelines:

Photographers can submit up to 5 photographs to

Images must be submitted as a WeTransfer link (anything else will not be considered)

Images must have been made following the beginning of quarantine

Images must have been made within a 2km radius of the photographer’s home

Images must be JPEGs, sRGB, 2000px on their longest side, 72dpi (anything else will not be considered)

Photographers must have access to high quality versions of their submitted files (A4 size (minimum) TIFF, Adobe RGB, 300dpi)

Deadline: Sunday 17 May