Counter Culture / November 4, 2022

Become an expert in the housing crisis with this quiz

Counter Culture / November 4, 2022

Become an expert in the housing crisis with this quiz

Words: Eva O’Beirne

Dublin rent mode should be the ultimate boss.

Software developer Simon D’Arcy from Dublin has created something truly terrifying – an online quiz that allows you to guess the prices and rents of various properties listed on

With four different levels for properties for sale – ‘Easy’ (Guess within 50k), ‘Medium’ (Guess within 25k), ‘Hard’ (Guess within 5k) and ‘Estate Agent’ (Guess within 1k) – the online quiz will help you figure out whether you’re a pessimist, optimist or just jaded by the housing crisis.

If you need any help, just remember that the average listed price of a house in Ireland right now is 311,514 euro according to a report.

Meanwhile, the average price of a home in Dublin is now 427,000 euro.

The ‘Guess the Rent’ version of the game doesn’t have any levels at present, but a county-specific one might be too depressing at the moment.

At the end of August, there were just 716 homes available to rent nationwide with 292 of these properties being in Dublin.

The average monthly rent nationwide is now 1,618 euros while the average monthly rent in Dublin is 2,153 euros.

If you want to test your knowledge on Ireland’s housing market, you can play the quiz here.

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