Last December Lighght released his debut EP ‘The Skin Falls Off The Body‘ via Dream Catalogue, which followed on from his collaborative EP with Cnámha back in May 2018. Now the Cork artist has returned with his debut album, ‘Gore-Tex In The Club, Balenciaga Amongst The Shrubs.’ This time he’s released it on his own imprint, Shadow Gazing.
“It’s a strange work about exploring self-indulgence as a model for self-healing, coming to terms with the arbitrary nature of pain and beginning the healing process whilst in an already vulnerable state: one of panicked ecstasy, where you keep cruising upward as you feel the safety of solid grounding evaporate beneath your feet.”
“While ‘The Skin Falls Off The Body‘ was a short controlled burst of industrial and noise, ‘Gore-Tex In the Club, Balenciaga Amongst The Shrubs’ is a sprawling mass. Laying out the narrative in the spoken word chamber piece, ‘The Temple (Libretto),’ the story returns to us again and again throughout the album in a fragmented mass, painted in bright psychedelic strokes from broken techno, weightless trance and mutated Irish Traditional music.”
Stream it below and click here to buy it on cassette or download it.