Words: Eva O’Beirne
The amount of people living in poverty in Ireland jumps from 11.6 per cent to 19 per cent after housing costs are factored in.
A new study by Social Justice Ireland has revealed that as many as 371,000 extra people living in poverty because of housing costs.
Renters are being hit the hardest with 41.6 per cent at risk of poverty every month.
The independent company says its findings show that the actual number of people living in poverty in Ireland today is almost at one million.
The report analyses the impact of housing costs, including mortgage interest and rent, on the poverty rate of different types of households throughout 2021.
Social Justice Ireland found that single parents are the worst affected of all households, with an increase in the poverty rate of 51 per cent after housing payments.
People living with long-standing health conditions are also badly affected, with the number of people living in poverty increasing from 39.1 per cent to 53.8 per cent after housing payments.
It was also revealed this month that the average Dubliner accumulates 782 euro worth of debt each month.
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