General News / October 10, 2018

slowthai rises from the dead in new video for ‘Rainbow’

General News / October 10, 2018

slowthai rises from the dead in new video for ‘Rainbow’

One of two District Issue 005 cover stories, slowthai drops a new video.


We’re still reeling from slowthai’s stop off in Dublin last month. He sold out Workman’s, brought warm up artist Luka Palm on stage to rap his massive track ‘T N Biscuits’ with him and essentially turned the venue into a vortex of sweat and broken glass, more reminiscent of a hardcore or punk gig than a rap show.

We also got to hang out with him beforehand to interview and shoot him for the cover of Issue 005 which drops on October 19 in The Sugar Club.

The Northampton artist has just released a new video in which he rises from a grave and howls at the moon. Check it out.