General News / May 17, 2017

The People We Meet: An insight into homegrown decision making & creativity

General News / May 17, 2017

The People We Meet: An insight into homegrown decision making & creativity

We all have choices, and while the choices we make may not define us as people, that can have lasting and profound effects on our lives and the lives of others.


The People We Meet is a video series that dissects the brave (be they dramatic or seemingly insignificant) choices we make that inescapably alter the courses of our lives.

From coffee brewers, artists, graphic designers, and the creators of ‘Foodcloud’ the series is a short collection of humbling  insights into the creative process that accompanies the very nature of living and highlights how, if anything, we’re all making it up as we go.

The series’ creator Dave O’ Carroll describes the project simply as an excuse to talk with admirable people about the positions they find themselves currently in, how the got there, and ultimately where they plan to go next.

The most recent episode is a conversation with painter Shane Berkery. He’s an articulate, soft-spoken and exciting Irish painter who works out of a small studio in Dublin. Jokingly talking about turning down an opportunity to study Medicinal Chemistry at Trinity College, Shane portrays his take on art as a mechanism to control and build a vocabulary he can then use to communicate to people.

The series also features an episode with Dublin’s H&G Creations which you can view here.