/ January 14, 2025

There Is Only One Legally Registered AirBnB in South Dublin

/ January 14, 2025

There Is Only One Legally Registered AirBnB in South Dublin

Words: Dray Morgan

Recently, People Before Profit Councillor, Darragh Adelaide brought to our attention the dismal state of AirBnBs in Ireland. Almost every AirBnB in South Dublin is operating illegally.

Only one property is legally registered as a short term renal in the whole of South Dublin. In 2019, regulation were introduced to mitigate the effect of AirBnBs on the Irish housing crisis, however almost zero upholding of these laws have taken place since. Additional legislation was supposed to be imposed in 2022 but according to Citizen’s information, has been delayed.

The proposed legislation states “This planned legislation will mean that online platforms, such as Airbnb, will not be able to advertise properties for short-term let if the properties are not registered with Fáilte Ireland and the owners have confirmed they have the correct planning permission if it is needed.”

However, the laws seem meaningless and unenforced. Hundreds, if not thousands AirBnBs are available in areas which legally should not be allowed to foster this type of short term rentals.

There are more AirBnBs in South Dublin than properties to rent in the whole of Dublin

 The Citizen’s Information website reads, “It is unlikely that planning permission for short-term lets will be granted in areas of high housing demand, where there is high rent inflation, insufficient supply and lots of applications.”