The Reckless History Of Iconic Galway Street Performer Johnny Massacre

Words: Dray Morgan

You’d be pressed to find a street performer in Ireland who was more eccentric and memorable than the late, great Johnny Doran, aka Johnny Massacre. Often stationed on Shop Street in Galway, his antics gained him notoriety beyond the county’s borders. Armed with a 10-foot unicycle, beds of nails and balls of steel, he entertained the public from the late 90s to early 2000s.

Hailing from Longford originally, Johnny had a brief stint as a music promoter before deciding to train as a clown. Soon after he was stationed in Galway, a Mecca for eccentricity and expression in Ireland. The public became infatuated with his act, where he would often swallow swords whilst atop of his monstrous unicycle.

He was also known for his sharp wit, with a large part of his acts being done whilst also insulting as many people in the crowd as possible with his quips. Wherever he lay his iconic suitcase, crowds would gather as he slowly went from smart-suited attire to a topless fire juggler.

During the political campaign of the equally unconventional Luke Ming Flanagan, Johnny allowed Ming to stand on top of him and read his manifesto as he lay on “The Surfboard of Death” – a surfboard with hundreds of nails jutting out of it. He also donated the entirety of his earning’s for that day to Luke’s campaign.

In July of 2003, Johnny tragically passed away suddenly in a three-car collision. A memorial was held on Shop Street for one of Galway’s greatest characters. Many locals left notes and flowers, with children leaving notes such as one reading “Thank you, Johnny, for making me laugh lots of times,”.

A plaque now sits on Shop Street, where Johnny performed for the masses. It reads “Johnny Massacre Doran – Professional Lunatic”.